Essay On Hypnotherapy

514 Words2 Pages

Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Is there something in your life that is holding you back and stopping you from having a successful, fulfilled and enjoyable life? Here at The Lund-Brunnemer Centre For The Mind I can help you to overcome these obstacles by using hypnotherapy and advanced NLP tools to empower you to conquer challenges in your life.

What is Hypnosis and Hypotherapy?

Hypnosis is an excellent method to access your inner potential. It can be explained as a state of mind, which enables our unconsciousness to communicate with our conscious mind.

Hypnosis can be tracked back over 4000 years to the Ancient Egypt, as well as to Ancient India and Ancient Greece. They created healing sanctuaries to heal people who suffered from a wide range of physical and mental problems by putting them into a trance-like or hypnotic state.

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Hypnotherapy is different from any other psychological therapy as it attempts to address the client’s unconscious mind. The hypnotherapist enhances the power of the client’s own imagination and utilises a wide range of techniques (story telling, metaphor, symbolism, etc.) to develop direct suggestions for beneficial change. Hypnotherapy is considered as a short-term approach and beneficial change should become apparent within relatively few sessions.

As hypnosis utilises the access to a person’s inner potential and recourses, it can also stimulate the healing capacity of our own body. Hypnotherapy can help to overcome a lot of issues and conditions e.g. stress, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, unwanted habits and addictions (e.g. overeating, alcohol, smoking), disrupted sleeping patterns, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fear of exams, fear of public speaking, allergies, skin disorders, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome

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