Essay On Hatshepsut

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A successful ruler helps their country as much as possible. They are not overly confident, but they can stand for their country, proud and tall. They are caring, and always want to make things better for the country they look after. Hatshepsut was all of these. Hatshepsut, meaning foremost of noble ladies, was born in 1507 bc, and her reign lasted 21 years. She ruled in the 18th Dynasty. Hatshepsut was able to build a successful legacy by creating peace, by trading with surrounding countries.

Hatshepsut was born into the royal family in 1507 BC. Her mother, Ahmose, and her father Thutmose I, were the family of the throne. Hatshepsut also had two other siblings, but they passed away when she was an infant. After Thutmose I died, Hatshepsut married her step brother, Thutmose II. They successfully ruled for 14 years. Unfortunately, Thutmose II died, leaving his nephew, the only heir to the throne, Thutmose III to rule, and Hatshepsut as co-ruler. Soon afterwards, Hatshepsut declared herself as pharaoh, And Egypt accepted her. As a person and leader, she liked to spread peace and help her country in Egypt’s benefit. She was an outstanding leader because of how much effort she put into turning Egypt into a wealthy, happy and healthy country. …show more content…

The Deir el-Bahari is one of the most famous temples in Egypt, built for the gods, including Ra the sun god. This made Hatshepsut a strong, powerful and great leader by making Egypt wealthy. By doing this, she is and was remembered, creating a long-lasting legacy. Hatshepsut soon became not only a caring leader, but a trustful one,

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