Essay On Gun Violence Reform

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Each year in the United States over 31,000 people die from gun violence. If this figure seems high for such a wealthy nation, that’s because it is. In fact the U.S. has a higher homicide rate than the combined rate of twenty two other wealthy nations. (National Centre for Injury Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012)
This rate of violence is having a detrimental effect on the health of our nation and poses significant threats to the security of our future. With this information in mind, I see no other course than to recommend significant reforms to our nations gun control. This should begin with congressional laws which would require increased background checks, psychological testing, greater surveillance of gun sale transactions (especially those conducted over the internet), prevent the sale of assault weapons and the restriction of commercial advertisement pertaining to gun sales. (Richardson EG, Hemenway D. 2003).
Gun violence is effective at …show more content…

This can be accomplished with increased background checks and preventing those with criminal records or suspected terrorist ties from purchasing weapons.
Since gun violence doesn’t discriminate, the major stakeholders in this reform are vast.
Stakeholders who oppose the reform of gun regulations would include American citizens, hunters, firearm manufacturers and gun lobbying support groups such as the NRA (National Rifle Association) The stakeholders who would be involved in the implementation of these reforms would include Federal, State and local law enforcement, numerous health and social service agencies, families and anti-gun support groups including many faith based

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