Essay On Gender Neutral Parenting

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This article showed some of the common opinions regarding gender-neutral parenting. Many parents have started to see some of the issues with “traditional” parenting styles that limit the possibilities of their children exploring different gender norms. With a shift on the views of gender and sexuality in our nation, many parents have begun to recognize the need for their children to figure out their gender through experiences and preferences. This idea is allowing children to be more fluid when it comes to gender, being able to experience their world in ways many people have been limited in generations prior. This will also allow parents to break down gender stereotypes from an early age, which could eliminate a lot of gender-based prejudice. …show more content…

We are giving children the platform to be more comfortable expressing the gender they want to identify with. Our society is becoming more accepting every day, so we are slowly becoming more open to people who identify in ways that are not seen as “normal”. While this transition might be slow, it is allowing a lot more freedom for expression in our society. We are paving the way for future generations to be comfortable with their own identities. While gender identification normally happens during an earlier stage of life, gender transition normally doesn’t happen until later stages of the lifecycle. This is mainly because of the stigma around switching gender as well as the restrictions on hormone use and gender reassignment surgery. Gender-neutral parenting allows children to express gender in a more fluid way and gives them more of a say in the gender they present. This also allows gender stereotypes to be broken down before they become so ingrained in their idealism that they are difficult to change. Gender-neutral parenting can allow us to break down stereotypes regarding cisgender and transgender individuals as well as breaking down gender stereotypes as a

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