Essay On Family Reunification

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I. Description of the Problem A violent environment and family reunification plays a vital role in driving children to abandon their home country, but crime, gang fears and hostility seem to be the strongest factors for children’s decision to emigrate. According to Elizabeth Kennedy. This is especially true for most young males, who have no other choice but to join vicious gangs, or leave their homes in hopes to find a job that allows them work half the day and focus on their education the other half in order to achieve a better opportunity of life. According to Sonia Nazario, “One in three children lists family reunification as the principal reason to depart home. Not surprisingly, over 90 % of the children she interviewed have a family member …show more content…

In addition, most of these children Nazario interviewed, almost half lived in dangerous gang territories and were exposed to life threatening situations, “Of the 322 minors I interviewed, 145 have at least one gang in their neighborhood, and about half of these live in a contested gang territory. They report hearing gunshots nightly and are often afraid to walk even two or three blocks from their home since they fear crossing an always changing boundary” (Nazario, ###). Children decided they must leave their home country and chose to go to where they had family, because they feel unsafe and they have the necessity to escape the danger that entraps them in a never ending cycle of violence; this is why DACA plays an important role assisting these individuals. II. Tittle and Description of Policy President Obama’s order Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) awards employment and education opportunities as well as a short-term break from deportation to illegal immigrants that were brought to U.S. as children. Hundreds of thousands of undocumented …show more content…

The Department of Homeland security has affirmed that, “The fee to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals, including employment authorization and biometric services, is $465 and cannot be waived. There are fee exemptions available only in limited circumstances. You may submit separate checks of $380 and $85, or one single check of $465” (2015). According to the guidelines for exemption, the aspiring applicant can avoid these fees if they are under eighteen years, is homeless, lacks parental care or is disabled, and if their income is less than 150% of the U.S. poverty line. If the applicant cannot afford the fee and needs an exemption, a request must be submitted before the application

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