Essay On Family Over Wealth

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Family Over Wealth
When I was a little boy my father was a salesman who distributed automotive paint to dealerships and body shops. The beauty of this job was that it was straight commission; the harder my father worked the more money he would make. I remember my dad preaching this to me as a little kid; “money is the motive son”. My father lived by this motto and busted his butt until he was making an income of six figures a year. Unfortunately, something catastrophic would happen changing my life in way that it would never be the same. In 2002, my father was on his normal delivery route when a drunk driver blew his stop sign causing my father to T-bone the driver at 70 mph. The drunk driver was able to crawl out of the car with little to no damage done to his physical health. My father, on the other hand, shattered his lower back and was told that if he wasn’t buckled that he would have been dead. Life would never be the same for my family and me after that day, but the one family lesson we learned was that money doesn’t regulate how happy you are.
Nevertheless, at the time I thought my life was over. …show more content…

For example, all the negative things in life happening like police brutality, terrorist attacks, and school shootings. To the other side of the pendulum of have hope that tomorrow is a new good day. One quote that really stuck with me after reading it was this “how do I teach my nephew to hate the water park but love the ride” (page 3) to me this mean how does one enjoy life when the shit hits the fan in life? The answer could be unity, surround yourself with family members. Just like Healey did by going to the waterpark with his nephew because the support of his family and the enjoyment of the waterpark would provide a distraction for Healey’s nephew from all the negative events taking place throughout the

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