Essay On European Expansion

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The European expansion brought many good things into this world, but only at the price of Native American lives and culture. Many people believe that the European expansion was great, and that in part has somewhat a truth to it. Without the European expansion, we wouldn't be where we are today and same with other European nations. But due to it (European expansion), a brilliant culture was destroyed with the hands of Europeans themselves. One thing that the New World gave the Europeans was wealth beyond their imagination. Gold and silver mines in America, for about three hundred years, produced around ten times the amount compared to mines back home. And at rates like these, the Europeans couldn't resist. So, as a result, to mine it they used (This was a major triumph for Jesuits who wished to spread it and others who just wanted to worship in peace.) The New World provided a place for this to happen, and many nations created colonies for people who wished to worship certain religions safely, far away from ugly biases. The Jesuits on the other hand, sought to spread Christianity to all, and especially toward the "savage" natives. So, they forced the Natives to deny their own religion, due to how it conflicted with Christianity, and had to start following the Europeans'. As a result of this, the Jesuits forced the natives to baptise their children (in order to further assimilate them into their religion) and worship Christian Gods. Yes, the European expansion brought many good things to this world, but this was at the cost of Native American lives and culture. Without it, we would not be here today, but maybe, another great culture may have been. It would have been nice to see three major cultures emerge- the Eastern, "Western", and New World- and how they would of turned out differently of the Europeans didn't "take-over" as they did. But every event in History has it's causes and effects, and even though it wasn't ideal and necessarily the greatest move in history, it was necessary to further progression towards present

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