Essay On Ethical Dilemmas In Emergency Care

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What if I were to tell you that the waiting room of an emergency department (ED) might be the most hazardous place for your health and is considered by the CDC to be the most dangerous place in a hospital? There is a current ethical problem with delaying care for patients in the emergency department, putting patients at greater risk for harm and deterioration of outcome, which demands reform. Emergency department waiting times are a pernicious source of harm to patients that is far too common of a condition across a wide variety of hospital types throughout the United States. As an emergency department nurse, we practice beneficence which includes the removal of possible harm to patients; we are not acting altruistically when we allow these predictable occurrences of excessive wait times. Beneficence is our moral obligation as nurses to embrace the patient’s well-being, opposing this principle of only doing good for patients are hours of delays. Emergency Departments experience access-block and sub-optimal patient outcomes as a result of delays. Emergency departments are …show more content…

Due to the populations current issues with insufficient healthcare coverage, or complete lack of, many patients resort to the ED as primary access and diagnosis thus delaying treatment even further.As a result, emergency departments are providing treatment for medical, surgical, critical, and psychological emergencies. These extended wait times lead to a deterioration of patient health, discounting of the patients chief complaints with the intention of acting more efficiently, and inadvertently, occasionally, causing the spread of communicable diseases. Emergency rooms by definition are 24-hour care access to healthcare, however they are losing the fairness and impartiality to provide equal service to all patients stemming from outrageous wait

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