Essay On E Waste Management

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E- waster Management : a case study on banglore , india

Enormous production of elctronic and electical devices and consumer oriented growth are new environmental challanges . the growing threat of E – waste.
E waste consist of precious metal like silver, lead , platinum and base metals like copper , aluminium , zinc , nikil , iron and some toxic metal like murcury , cromium , cadmium
, some holagens and combustibles some of which are harmful for environment .

Nowdays , main ways to tackle this problem consits of reusing , recycling and remanufacturing as as well as incineration and lnad filling .

Treatment of E waste encourages primarily reuse of whole equipment if possible , remanufacturing and upgrades otherwise rcovery via recycling and when there is no other choice left incineration and ladfill . Although lafill of electronic waste causes leaching of ground water and incineration of eletronic waste leads to toxic fumes in air as circuit boads contains lead , antimony oxides .
So recycling of waste have to take of both recovering valuable materials and treatment of hazardous materials as it is ecogically and economically important.

Methods :
This study was conducted in year 2009 in bangalore in india .Apart from data collection from city
,outer reaches in rural districts and industrial regions . bangalore is IT hub of india with more than 2000 information technology companies genarating more than 8500 tonnes of electronic waste .
This study personal computer are chose to be trace items because of high dynamics of IT sector.

The strategy follows an specific order :

players , stackholders of recycling sream were identified incuding repair shop, dealers , dismentlers and qualitative...

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...nformal recyclers most of recycling work is handled by formal recyclers E parisaara and ash recyclers are two major formal recyclers and there are some other big name like intel , hp , ibm etc on the other hand informal recyclers posses some remarkable skill but they mostly work in resident without licence endangering there sorrounding

Material recovery from E waste : from the data of out tracer equipment turns out that e waste consist 20% of glass , 57% of metals and 23% of palstics . 99% of waste is used ton recover metals.

Conclusion :

this sceme comprise of one of the most efficient processes to create addition values and accelerrated flow rate through entire system . In this time of inceasing ever population and fulfillin there need with creating jobs and bussiness and on the same time decreasing the load of electronic waste is our prior concern

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