Essay On Dental Hygienist

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Registered Dental/Orthodontic Hygienist
Most people hate going to the dentist and getting their teeth cleaned but it is very important to have strong and healthy teeth. I had braces for three years I always thought a Orthodontic Hygienist job was very interesting, although I never had any thoughts on pursuing a career in that field. I recently started taking an serious interest in becoming a Registered Dental or Orthodontic Hygienist after shadowing the dentist and his hygienist at my home town Wrightsville Family Dentist Office. Dr. Justin Ragen and Ms. Charlene Kay has made a huge impact on my decision of going into the dentistry field. I got the privilege of watching them perform hands-on producers such as taking x-rays, monitor development …show more content…

In dentist and orthodontist offices you will answer the phone, schedule appointments for patients, and prepare patients for the doctor. Ortho hygienist and dental hygienist both sterilize instruments and tools and assist the orthodontist/dentist. Dental hygienist clean the plaque and calculus, while orthodontist hygienist work with tighten and replacing wires and brackets. Dental patients come every six months to get their teeth cleaned with Ortho patients come six weeks. Both careers are required to get an educations through an American Dental Association program. General dental works to maintain the health of teeth while Orthodontic works to straighten teeth. Some states require additional testing and training before you work in an Orthodontics office. Always bring your compassion to work everyday. In both types of offices you will be dealing with children even adults that are nervous and scared. (The Nest 1997-2016 XO Group …show more content…

Dental hygienist have become more involved in treating apnea and dental sleep medicine still continues to grow. Some people suffer from this condition and are not aware they have it. Patients visit their dentist and hygienist more than their doctor so their hygienist play a role in screening and caring for their patients with sleeping disorders. There are many questions you can ask your patient to see if they have this disorder such as Do you snore? Do you become tired or fall asleep throughout the day? Can you breathe through your nose? Are you tired when you wake up in morning? All of those questions are important when determining signs and the symptoms of the patients sleep apnea. (Sleep Review Magazine 2015)
Dental Hygienist educate patients on proper hygiene techniques such as brushing. A good brushing technique is approximately two minutes. Hygienist recommend using a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles. Hard bristles tend to damage gums. If you choose to use a electric toothbrush Sonicare is the best way to go. White spots or stains on teeth can occur natural or can be caused by certain fluoride products. Too much fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis which is the appearance of white spots on stains on teeth. (2018 Bucco

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