Essay On Codependency

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Trying to define codependency can be very difficult. It is not an exact or definitive state; rather, it's more of a general description for a variety of behaviors. Put simply, codependency is an addiction to love, where one person in a relationship is devoted and completely invested to a point where it negatively affects his or her emotional and physical well-being. One way to define codependency is to set up some general characteristics. Codependency is compulsive and usually done unconsciously. Most people in codependent relationships have no idea that what they're doing is out of the ordinary. Conflict is common, and often forms the basis of interaction within the relationship. There is a constant cycle of fighting and resolution. Resolution …show more content…

If you're unsure whether you're in a codependent relationship, it's something you should consider carefully, especially since it's so hard to define codependency. You must be completely honest and objective in your assessment. Try to decide whether you're constantly taking on extra responsibilities and acting as your partner's caretaker rather than an equal in the relationship. If so, this is a problem. Being assertive might seem like a way to stay in control of conflict and emotions, but it can severely hinder the development of your relationship if it's done for the wrong reasons. The other major factor to consider is your self-esteem. When you define codependency, low self-esteem is almost always part of the equation. Decide whether your self worth is where it should be, or if you undervalue yourself. Look back on old relationships with friends, family, and loved ones, and look for patterns of negative behaviors. Codependency can vary from relationship to relationship, but it usually has a few of these constant characteristics. Here are a few ways to define codependency in your relationships: You give up on your own wants and needs to satisfy those of your partner You never say "no" to their demands You feel unworthy when you're unable to meet your partner's every whim You feel more like a caregiver than an equal You spend more time satisfying your partner than

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