Essay On Civil Disobedience

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Humanity has never been perfect. Throughout history, there has been repeated abuses of power against people where liberties and rights are stepped upon and people lose their voice in society. Ranging from English colonists in new America disobeying the British to Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat to, even today, Native Americans and others refusing to leave their land for a pipeline, civil disobedience has permeated our history. It promotes the recognition of our freedoms and equal rights while opening minds to the injustice and unfairness that goes on in our society. Without it, we would be living in a society that hinders us while also succumbing us to become brainless guppies, following every word the government says. The government …show more content…

Ferguson allowed for separate facilities, promoting segregation and feeding more to the racist mentality permeating throughout the U.S. As this continued, African American rights were abused by these rulings and civil disobedience worked as a way to open others’ minds of how immoral and wrong the law was turning out to be. Without the Civil Rights Movement and the sit-ins they conducted in restaurants and buses, breaking these unjust laws, change would not have been recognized. Martin Luther King, Jr., who helped lead this movement, and Rosa Parks, who refused to give up our seat to a white man, added pressure onto America to work for change, which is what peaceful resistance strives to do and can successfully achieve. It demonstrates to the rest of the world to stand in joined hands, resisting a society that restricts freedom and revealing a seemingly “free” society is not all so free. It preserves our right to express what we believe in and what we cherish. Native Americans, military veterans and other citizens exemplify this in North Dakota, setting up camp to prevent the establishment of an oil pipeline that could tarnish their reservation and their water. They demonstrate the unfairness of the government that refuses to discuss with their own citizens and violates their right to freedom of expression within their reservation. Laws aren’t always made with the best intentions and mindsets. Disobeying these laws speaks louder than protesting it since it’ll draw

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