Essay On Change

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The Change Constant
“Metathesiophobia” a tongue-tying word for the fear of change—a fear which most people, if honest with themselves, will admit to have experienced. Change,even when relatively minor and even when it is wanted can become unsettling and unnerving—and consequently intimidating. And with fear usually comes stress and resistance. For leaders, fearing or resisting change and hesitating at venturing into the unknown can be their own, their followers’ and their organizations’ undoing. It is a truism of today’s business environment that the only thing which remains the same is change—and change is more abundant, rapid and complex than ever before. Mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructurings or downsizings, increasing globalization and market upheavals are just a few of the dramatic transitions that leaders and their organizations need to deal with at an unprecedented level. Another source of transition is the short life of technology with rapidly increasing rates of obsolescence and replacement requiring individuals and organizations to engage in constant learning processes. In addition to it, the people who make up organizations, work groups, and teams often keep shifting at a breakneck pace. Institutional loyalty is hardly what it was before (the Bureau of National Affairs has recently reported that employee turnover is occurring at the highest rate in nearly twenty years), and it is common for people in organizations to be quickly shuttled in and out of various assignments. Managers’ ability to deal with this type of change—losing well-known team members and working with new and unfamiliar colleagues—has a profound impact on the organizational effectiveness and productivity.

Instead of reshape itself period...

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...iness performance. Conscious leaders understand this and recognize the importance of building change capabilities in their organization. Capability to change is the ability of an organization to design, plan, and implement all types of change efficiently with committed stakeholders, causing no negative impacts on people and operations, so that desired cultural and business results from change are consistently achieved and integrated seamlessly into operations to deliver maximum ROI. Figure below shows how building change capability positively impacts an organization. In the figure, Work A denotes the core business activities, that is, everything an organization does to provide value to its customers. Work B is all of the efforts you put into improving Work A, making the organization the best it can be. Work C is improving your ability to do Work B, in other words,

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