Essay On Byronic Hero In Jane Eyre

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Byronic Hero: Mr. Rochester

A Byronic hero is someone who is charismatic with strong passions and beliefs, but who are nonetheless deeply flawed individuals who may act in ways which are socially reprehensible because he's definitely contrary to his mainstream society. (“Byronic Hero”) Authors have been known to try and make their characters this unique kind of hero. I think authors like to depict this kind of hero because they are realistic but they do have a bit of fantasy to them. Most Byronic heroes actually tend to be vampires just because it’s common for them to be very attractive and what all women dream of having but yet they do have a dark side and normally troubled past. When it comes to romance they are the best types of heroes to use because they are the type of men most women dream of having. One author who did a tremendous job in following the guidelines of Byronic hero was Charles Bronte in the novel Jane Eyre with the character Mr. Rochester.
Rochester was a wanderer and was cursed with a sin he was forced to hide. Rochester enjoyed wandering about and was at many times away from Thornfeild, touring around the world. Mrs. Fairfax once said that she would not be surprised if Rochester had just went directly to London. She also explains to Jane before Jane meets Rochester that he is peculiar and something to point of him having traveled the world. The other characteristic of Rochester that makes him a Byronic hero is that he hides the sin of having

a wife but pursuing another woman. People around Rochester could tell that he was hiding something very sinful. This sin creates for much of the suspense in this novel. Mrs. Fairfax suggests at the hiding of a sin when she expresses, "Partly because ...

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...he blaze in order to save their lives as well as the life of his crazy wife. In short, Rochester is further classified as a Byronic hero because he is courageous and passionate.

In conclusion, Rochester is without a doubt a Byronic hero, because he portrays the Byronic characteristics of intelligence, mysterious appearance, courageousness, passionate feelings as well as being a wanderer and hiding dark secret sin to take pity on himself. All of these traits combined together create an interesting and enjoyable Byronic hero. Bronte uses the Byronic hero in order to further the Gothic feel to the novel. Gothic style of writing has been used by many writers to demonstrate their particular mood and feeling about the novel. Gothic is the relating of writing to the middle ages or dark periods.

"Byronic Hero." TVTropes. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

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