Essay On Becoming A Federal Officer

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What they do.

Federal law enforcement officers have many of the same duties that other police officers do. They respond to emergency and nonemergency calls, enforce the law, get warrants and arrest suspects, collect and secure evidence from crime scenes, watch the suspect’s activity, and prepare cases and testify in court. Federal law enforcement agents also have jurisdiction over the entire country. They are the federal government’s top investigators. They are responsible for enforcing more than 200 categories of federal statues and conducting sensitive national security investigations.

How to become one.

There are many steps to becoming a FBI agent. Those being you need to have a good education, you need to have special training, and you need to have specific qualities. For education you must have at least a high school diploma. Many federal agencies and police departments many require you to have some college coursework or a college degree. Being able to speak another language will also help you in this field. Federal agencies often require you to have a bachelor’s degree. Before becoming an officer you have to go through training. You usually attend a training academy before becoming an officer of any kind. Training would include classroom instruction on state and local laws, constitutional laws, civil rights, and police ethics. To become a federal agent you have to go through extensive training usually at the U.S. Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia. Some important qualities that you would need are …show more content…

Most police and detectives work or the local government but others work for the state or federal government. Police work can be physically demanding, stressful, and dangerous. If you’re a police officer you have to be alert and ready to react throughout your entire shift, which can be many long hours. This job has one of the highest rates of injury of all occupations. Paid overtime is very common but usually they work full time.

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