Essay On Athletic Trainers

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What they do? Athletic trainers can do various things with a wide variety of people of all ages. They can work with young athletes all the way up to pro athletes. An athletic trainer can be there to tape you up before a game or they can be there to carry you off the field after a gruesome injury. Their job is to develop rehabilitation programs for injured athletes and make sure you follow through and make a full recovery. They also write injury reports to keep records and give to family physicians or doctors. It all starts with athletic trainers they are most likely and usually the first on the scene when an injury occurs. Since this is true they are expected to recognize and evaluate injuries and further care for injury will go from there. …show more content…

That is the minimum level of education to work in this field. If you are looking to get a jumpstart on your career, as a high school student it would be recommended to take courses in anatomy, physiology, and physics. Master’s degree programs are also pretty common for this field. If you are really looking to take this career to the next level and plan on moving up in the ranks, then you will be expecting a management role in the near future. So in college you should pursue an advanced degree to increase your opportunities. If you accomplish this then your future in this field will be pretty promising. Work Environment The work environment can vary from anywhere to an office, room, facility, or even outside at a sports venue. The “norm” scenery for an athletic trainer would be in educational settings like colleges, universities, high schools, and fitness centers. But a small percentage work with professional sport teams, the military, and even law enforcement. Ones that work outside presumably for sports purposes are expected of any type of weather, rain or shine they are on the clock. Most athletic trainers work full time, and these are the environments they are surrounded by.

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