Essay On Archetypes In The Odyssey

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Zap, the bolt was stolen from the great god Zeus. In almost all stories and movies with heroes the stories follow the hero journey which always contains hero archetypes. In the movie “Percy Jackson” and the epic poem “The Odyssey” both heroes have to go on an incredibly long journey facing many challenges. Out of all the archetypes there are I will be comparing the helper, obstacle, and the mentor from the epic poem “The Odyssey” and the movie “Percy Jackson”.
For example, the first archetype being comparing is the helper. The helper is a major archetype that helps the hero continue on their journey. In the movie “Percy Jackson”, a major helper would be Grover because he helps Percy when he protects him while inside of his house from his step-dad. Grover then says, “Like I said I’m the protector.” Grover has to watch and make sure Percy doesn’t get harmed. In “The Odyssey” Circe helps Odysseus and his men by giving them advice. “The goddess reveals his course to him and gives him advice on how to avoid the dangers he will face” (Homer, Pg. 1071). However, these helpers are …show more content…

The mentor helps guide the hero throughout the journey. In “The Odyssey”, an important mentor was Athena because she helps warn Odysseus about everything inside his home and guides him with information and what to do when he’s inside. “Athena appears and informs him of the situation at his home” (Homer, 1090). Athena tells Odysseus about the suitors at his home and helps him get ready for everything that is about to happen. In “Percy Jackson” one of the biggest mentors would be Poseidon because throughout the movie and he helps Percy figure out his powers. Poseidon tells Percy “Go to the water, the water will give you power.” Poseidon tells Percy to go to the water because he knows it will heal him. Likewise both mentors help by giving advice to the heroes while completing their

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