Essay On Aphasia

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According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2014) aphasia is a neurological disorder that is caused by damage a certain part of the brain that is responsible for language. This signs of this disorder primarily include difficulty in speaking or expressing oneself, difficulty understanding spoken language, and difficulty with reading and witting. Aphasia is most common among adults who have suffered from a stroke, a brain tumor, head injury, infection, or dementia that has damaged the brain. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders claims that there are an estimated one million people in the United States who are suffering from aphasia. Depending on the severity and the damage to a certain part of the brain will determine which type of aphasia the subject has. Aphasia can be broken down into four categories, (1) expressive aphasia, also known as Broca’s Aphasia, is when the subject has difficulty expressing his/her thoughts through writing and speech. The subject knows what he/she wants to say, but can not express themselves accordingly; (2) Receptive aphasia, also known as Wernicke’s Aphasia, a subject with this type of aphasia has difficulty understanding spoken language or written language. They can hear and see clearly, they just can not make any sense out of what they hear and see; (3) another kind of aphasia, is amnesia aphasia, which is considered to be the least severe aphasia, is when the subject has difficulty using the correct names for persons, places, events, or certain objects; (4) the last in the category of aphasias, is Global Aphasia, which is the result of a severe and wide areas of areas of the brain that are involved in producing language. Those who suffer from Global Aphasia...

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...nt needs to be studied further to determine which aphasia population would be more fitting to this approach.
The importance of the articles that I reviewed is important to the study of Broca’s aphasia. Many different researchers have conducted studies that focus on the treatment of this disorder. From the articles that I have read, those that involve subjects to repeat phrases, sentences, and words, seem to be most useful. Although it may be difficult to have larger groups of individuals who suffer from aphasia, I’d like to see research done with a larger sample size. The studies that I review used a small population, so it may be difficult to say that the results can be generalized to the population as a whole. I believe that the more studies that are done to understand this language disorder will produce better treatment outcomes for those that suffer from it.

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