Essay On Antibiotics

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The use of antibiotics or antimicrobial has allowed our worlds nations to flourish for decades. Antibiotics have cured many serious bacterial infections and saved millions of lives due to epidemics and plagues. While antibiotics have helped our nations to flourish, the misuse and overuse of antibiotics or antimicrobials has increased the rate of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. It is a constant fight between newer, stronger antibiotics and rapidly, evolving resistant bacteria; with no new classifications of antibiotics discovered since the 1970’s, antibiotic resistant bacteria are given the opportunity to dominate. Antibiotics are over prescribed to millions of people each year, studies say more than half of those prescriptions were to treat illness that antibiotics have no effect on. (Aminov,Rustam) Doctors need to stop writing unjustifiable prescriptions for antibiotics and patients need to stop demanding antibiotics from doctors when they are not necessary. The serious nature and likely consequences of misused antibiotics needs to be understood among the public. Knowing what antibiotics are, how they work in the body, and when you need to take them will reduce their widespread overuse. In addition, knowing why and how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics and what tragedy will arise if abusing antibiotics continue. Most importantly, what action and prevention methods be can done to reverse this rise of power in infection causing bacteria.

“Antibiotics are a broad class of chemicals that are capable of either inhibiting growth or killing bacteria.” (“FAS - Antibiotic Resistance Case Study”) Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections like the common cold of flu. (Antibiotics:MedlinePlus) There are many classes of...

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...rdest prevention method is to prevent the spread of bacteria and ultimately superbugs between public. If everyone could cover there sneeze, or cough, and then wash their hands; the spread of infections would decrease drastically.

Antibiotics have allowed our humans to thrive on this world. “Since the 1940s, these drugs have greatly reduced illness and death from infectious diseases. Antibiotic use has been beneficial and, when prescribed and taken correctly, their value in patient care is enormous.” Antibiotics need to be used conservatively to maintain their value and to keep resistant bacteria evolving at a slow place. Bacteria will naturally always be evolving to antibiotics however, careful use and distribution of these antibiotics combined with various prevention methods will maintain a slower rate of evolution; to allow our worlds nations to continue thriving.

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