Essay On Albert Speer

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If you are interested in architecture, you might want to read about Albert Speer. He was Hitler's main architect. Hitler ordered him to rebuild Berlin into Germania. Germania was going to be the new capital. In 1945 when the Nazi Party fell the plans were over. The war was over and Hitler had killed himself. In 1945 Speer told people he was going to kill Hitler. My opinion of Albert Speer was that he was a good nazi. when in trial for crimes he did and didn't comity he apologized for the nazis rude and illegal way of handling the jews. Albert Speer was a good nazi because he rebuilt Berlin like hitler had asked him to.

Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905 in Mannheim. His father was an architect and his family were …show more content…

With this authority, Speer expanded a system of conscript and slave labour, supplied primarily from concentration camps, that maintained production of war material for Nazi Germany (Britannica). The brilliant architect minister of armaments and war production for the Third Reich and a close friend to Hitler. Throughout World War II, Speer had directed an “armaments miracle,” doubling Hitler’s production orders and prolonging the German war effort while under relentless Allied air attacks (King Gilbert). Speer instituted the changes in the institutional framework of the German war economy which made the brilliant success of German war production between spring, 1942 and summer 1944 possible (Pike John). Speer’s designs are uniformly moribund and dry, without a spark of originality (Sorkin Michael). Speer did get off easy at Nuremberg, but his status as a “classical” architect was part of what saved him (Sorkin Michael). He proceeded to make administrative changes that greatly increased the efficiency of the German war economy. Speer's arrest and trial as a war criminal relates to the heavy use of slave labor brutalized by the NAZI state (“Albert Speer”). Speer was the architect for Germania before the Nazi Party fell in 1945 ( Staff). Architect Albert Speer was the “good Nazi” (Kate

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