Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Credit Cards

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For a long time people had to carry and keep lots of cash with them at all times. This was not a storable place in which they can keep it handy. After credit cards were introduced it helped many people out because of the many qualities it had. Credit cards are a great asset for people and are one of the great financial creations. Some people think that using credit cards have a disadvantage and are not a good idea. I however think that using credit cards is a good idea and advantageous for most people. These advantages include more benefits, a better way to structure money, and it’s safer for people to use.

One advantage of using credit cards is that they have more benefits and features for people. Credit cards are very useful since it is much easier to carry around than having cash. They are better to carry around than cash because of the many benefits that come along credit cards. Usually for every credit card user there are many packages and offers that the credit card company gives to their clients. Once people start to use the credit cards more often, they can get frequent flier miles based on how much they are spending with the credit card. Another benefit of using credit cards is that as time goes by the company can offer different promotions or packages to people, they can get discounts on cars and other attractive products. These promotions are another way to also advertise the use of credit cards since it is very beneficial to use. People that don’t use credit cards and prefer to carry around cash don’t have any benefits and promotion packages in which they can use to their favor, unlike the credit card users. These promotions offered by the credit card companies is very helpful to some people that don’t have the money...

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...han cash because you know how much you are spending. Another benefit for using credit cards is that there are fewer risks of muggings. Another good factor is that if the credit card is stolen or if people misplace it, they can cancel the card so no money would be taken from the account. An example is when I forgot my credit card in a restaurant; I called the bank and canceled the card right away. Personally I think that credit cards are very good since it is very safe for people to use.

Overall, credit cards have been very good and useful for people to use. It has many functions and benefits, which helps people with structuring their money. Carrying cash around is very irritating since it can get lost very easily which can cause many problems. In my opinion credit cards should be advertised and used more often, I personally recommend everyone to consider using it.

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