Essay On Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

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Abraham Lincoln was part of the Republican Party, who ran for candidacy in 1860 and won, who became the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln is known for intention way of changing the world, boarding a new way of life and almost destroying the country. Lincoln contributed many things into the history of the country, for example and most important the Civil War.
After Lincoln took office in 1860, afraid southerners seceded from the country, frightened about the future of slavery in the Republican Party hands. South Carolina was the first to secede out of the country, and soon after that the lower south. Later, the upper south seceded, in total being 11 states, became known as The Confederate States of America whose president was Jefferson Davis. In response Lincoln presented his First Inaugural Address to a portion of the country, to dispute the
A three day battle, which was a complete accident. On July 1st, 1863 both Union and Confederate forces collided. More than 51,000 casualties died in the battle, Lee retreated back to Virginia after heavy losses. Four months after the battle, Lincoln made his Gettysburg Address in honor of the fallen soldiers in the battle and restate the purpose of the Civil War.
The last battle of the Civil War, is the Battle of Vicksburg. General Ulysses S. Grant after so many attempts in trying to capture the fort of Vicksburg to have total control of the Mississippi River, Grant surrounds the town for an easy surrender from the Confederacy. With the Mississippi River controlled by Union hands, the Confederates outcome was sealed. A year after the Battle of Vicksburg, Abraham Lincoln officially puts General Grant in command of the Union army. In November 1864, President Lincoln is re-elected, for his second term for the presidency.
The Confederates General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Grant on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox House in

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