Essay On Abigail In The Crucible

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In the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, emotions and drama are displayed. People who were guiltless, lost their lives because of one girl who was jealous and selfish. One of the main characters, Abigail, is to blame for the tragic events that happened to innocent people. Abigail experienced some events from her past and present that may have influenced the kind of behavior she represented throughout the narrative. The young girl lost her parents and had to be fostered by her uncle, Parris. Having that type of loss, especially at a young age, could definitely assemble developmental issues. Abigail wanted to feel loved and important so, when John proctor had an affair with her, she felt a major connection. Proctor didn't want to have any type of devoting relationship with her, (Miller,act one line sixteen) “Abby, I never give you hope to wait for me”. Abigail, confused the lust for love. She had a goal to get Proctor to herself. …show more content…

In the year 1692, when the events took place, people were possessed to grow up fairly fast (Miller act two line three hundred forty-one/two) “...Mr. Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single!” The life expectancy for women was in about the late thirties, most ladies got married in their teenage years and Abigail was sixteen, most females her age have already matured. Abigail wanted to be with Procter more than Proctor wanted to be with her. John Proctor tried to explain to Abigail that he was not interesting in pursuing any further relationship with her, but, Abigail would stop at nothing to be with

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