The Crucible Theme Essay

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“Well, all the plays that I was trying to write were plays that would grab an audience by the throat and not release them, rather than presenting an emotion which you could observe and walk away from.” by Arthur Miller. All great works provide a way to reach in and grab the audience through the reoccurring themes like, greed, jealousy, reputation and hypocrisy. Arthur Miller had one of those great works and it was called “The Crucible”. The play was based off of the witch trials that happened in Salem in the year of 1962. Some of the characters were actual characters involved in the witch trials. Arthur Miller wrote this play during the time of the “Red Scare”. Miller wrote The Crucible because he wanted to turn the The Salem Witch Trials into …show more content…

One that many people realized was the reoccurring theme of greed and power lead to the destruction of others. This theme is shown throughout many other pieces of literature like The tale of Sleepy Hollow, Macbeth and many other works of literature. The theme of greed can be shown in The Crucible through the character of Mr. Putnam. “If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property - that 's law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for his land!”This quote came from Giles Corey. His wife has been accused of witchcraft because she was reading suspicious books. Giles Corey is defending others in the jail and telling the courts that Mr. Putnam is a land greedy man that is killing off his neighbors for their land. Mr. Putnam’s greed for more land caused him to accuse innocent women of witchcraft and lead to the destruction of lives and …show more content…

Mrs. Putnam was Mr. Putnam’s wife and she has lost 7 kids a before they live a day. “Reverend Parris, I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth. Believe me, sir, you never saw more hearty babies born. And yet, each would wither in my arms the very night of their birth.” Mrs. Putnam is talking to Rev. Parris about her child Ruth and how she has lost all of her children except her precious Ruth. Rebecca Nurse on the other hand has 11 children and over 20 grandchildren. Jealousy over powered Mrs. Putnam. “But I must! You think it God 's work you should never lose a child, nor grandchild either, and I bury all but one? There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!”. Mrs. Putnam later in the story accuses Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft and Rebecca Nurse is hung. Abigail Williams the niece of Rev. Parris becomes jealous of Elizabeth Procter. Abigail’s motives are strictly off of

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