Essay Comparing Macbeth And Stalin Power

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In history there have been good, successful leaders and there are bad leaders. Whether a bad leader is viewed as an individual who ruled and made no change or underutilized his power, or a leader who ruled very efficiently, but abused their power in order to maintain leadership. For bad leaders power is usually obtained through unconventional methods such as the overthrowing of a previous ruler or through other methods. Macbeth is known as a ruler who gained power through the overthrowing of a previous ruler. In his pursuit for power it blinded him and Macbeth ultimately killed his former king in order to take his place Once in a position of ultimate authority Macbeth did everything in his ability in order to maintain his power. This is similar …show more content…

They both were previously in positions of power not matter how minute they were, and it was this taste of power that left them craving more. Not everyone succumbs to the temptation of power, but not everyone is comfortable with the power they currently hold. Macbeth before the time of King Duncan's death was one of the king's most trusted soldiers, possibly even a right hand. Macbeth served his king without question, but when the opportunity arises to where Macbeth could gain an immense amount of power he immediately started devising on how to obtain it. The same was with Stalin who served on the first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party before his transition to secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. From here Joseph appointed his allies into government in order to ensure his uprising until the 1920’s when he became dictator of the Soviet Union. For Macbeth once he became the king of Scotland there soon came those who questioned his rule. To this Macbeth put his new power to use and answered swiftly and without hesitation. Macbeth would kill anyone who questioned or threatened his …show more content…

These consisted from anywhere that Stalin considered a threat. Anyone that he would find suspicious would be taken away for questioning, and regardless of their answer and status they would be killed, where Stalin would use the excuse that they were plotting against the state. Macbeth and Stalin did everything in their power keep their power from being taken while in power. However, power does not last forever and all rules come to end one way or another. For Macbeth, his future and fate were foretold to him by the three witches of which he deemed himself invincible from what he was told. At the end of the play a combined force of over 1,000 men advance towards Macbeth’s castle, taking foliage from a forest to keep the true number of men hidden from Macbeth. As the battle rages on most of Macbeth's soldiers abandon him and Macbeth is ultimately killed by Malcolm. Malcolm walks among the crowd of soldiers with Macbeth's head and it is planned that Malcolm will become the next

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