Essay About Peru

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Peru Project

Peru is a mainly catholic country. Peru has no official religion meaning throughout peru there are differing religious beliefs. The mountains around peru are thought to have spirits. Around 300,000 peruvians are Protestants, 20,000 are baha, 6,000 are Jews, and 6,000 are Buddhists mostly immigrants from japan. About 75% of the population is catholic, peru has been mainly Roman catholicism for almost 460 years. Most church activities and personnel are located in Lima.
Peru’s Environment:
Peru is forested and has the third largest extent of Tropical Rainforests in the world. There are three main climate zones in Peru one being the tropical Amazon Jungle in the East. The hot dry coastal desert to the west and the highlands in the middle of the country. There are problems arising in the environment as Peru is suffering from deforestation, pollution, and species of animals and plants being endangered. Only 62% of people in Peru have access to clean drinking water. A mining camp is said to be responsible for contaminating many of the lakes and rivers. A approximate average of trees being cut down a year is 261,000ha per year. Peru’s population is 30,469,221 and that is ranked 42nd largest in the world and is fourth in South America. The biggest city in Peru is Lima which is home to about 8 million people. Lima is 22nd largest city in the world. Spanish is the official language spoken in peru.
Culture:Language:The culture of ancient Peru is told by a wide variety of native languages that exist in its territory. Spanish is the main language and is used throughout the country. Quechua, which is spoken in Andean regions in different ways, and Aimara, the main language of the southern Andes. Ashaninka, Shipibo a...

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...tional Relations/Economics
Peru is one of the leading manufactures of the coca leaves in the world. Large numbers of cattle, alpacas, poultry, and sheep are raised in Peru. Most produced crop in Peru is cotton, coffee, sugarcane, corn, rice, grapes, oranges, potatoes, asparagus, and plantains. Peru has a large mining corporation and they extract minerals such as silver, copper, iron ore, coal, and phosphate rock. Peru has a notable fishing and logging industry. Their main exports are zinc, coffee, textiles, guinea pigs, zinc, potatoes, asparagus, gold, copper, and petroleum. The main goods that come into the county are plastics, petroleum products, machinery, iron, steel, wheat, paper, and vehicles. Peru’s main trade partners are China, Chile, Brazil, and the United States. Peru is a part of the Andean Community, an economic group of South American Countries.

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