Understanding Personal Development In Erikson's Stages Of Life

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The first years of our lives are said to have a huge impact on the rest of our life. It can shape us for the good or cause some bad effects on us as well. Understanding what makes infants and young children turn into good people is important. Using psychology we can test and find what makes a baby turn out better in the long run. Also, psychologists understand that a baby that may be behind or ahead of the average baby is because of that babies environment and their genes. These and many other things, help us understand that the first years of our lives are the most important. In Erikson’s stages of life theory he has 4 of the 8 stages occurring within about 6 years of our life. This just shows how much the first few years of our lives have a great impact. I am in the Identity versus Confusion stage of my life. This means that I am still finding out who I intend to be when I am older. I believe this is very true about where I am and is accurate because I am still trying to figure out who I am as a person, despite knowing a lot of what I want to do, I still haven’t identified myself. Identifying yourself is the highlight of this stage in Erikson 's theory. My mom is in the generativity versus …show more content…

When I was born, I was 2 weeks late and 10 pounds. Then, I grew more into my body around 5 years old and was not as chunky. Then when I was about 10 years old, I was skinny and just over average height. Then, once I got to be 16 years old, I began lifting and I saw myself getting bigger, not fatter but just more muscle to add onto my stick thin figure. However, I stopped growing height wise and haven’t gotten much taller since, but have gained weight through muscle, as muscle weighs 3 times more than fat. My personal example just shows exactly how you can’t assume your child will grow up to be big, small, short, or tall. It all depends on their genes and their

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