Environmental Justice For All By Robert D. Bullard

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Environmental justice is usually refers to the belief everyone, regardless of their ethnicity or socioeconomic class, should equally share the benefits of environmental luxuries as well as the burdens of environmental health hazards. Environmental Justice is demonstrated using examples of environmental injustice, such as unfair land use practices, environmental regulation being enforced in some areas only, unfair location of harmful industrial facilities and the disposal of toxic waste on communities where most of its population are minorities. Many environmentalist have addressed the issue, for instance the essay “From Carrying Capacity to Footprint, & Back Again,” by Michael Cain reveals that ecological footprint show that people appear to be using resources more rapidly than they can be regenerated and its affecting mainly developing countries. …show more content…

Bullard in which the author claims all communities are not created equal when it comes to resolving environmental and public health

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