Environmental Engineer: A Career In The Career Of Environmental Engineering

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Environmental engineers do everything from cleaning up a small pond to taking on projects to clean the oceans. It is an interesting occupation and one of the most important out there. Without these professionals, the Earth, nations, and people wouldn’t be what they are and who they are today. Everyone and everything would be living in a disgusting and polluted planet. Environmental engineers change the outcome with the work they do. A profession in the field of environmental engineering can often involve long periods of work with no breaks, projects that bring new responsibilities along with stress, and constantly changing work environments, but anyone who loves the environment, wants to live on a clean Earth, and wants to create a better and …show more content…

Specifically soil science, biology, and chemistry to discover solutions to environmental problems, hence the name, environmental engineer (“Summary” 1). One might believe that these professionals only try to make people recycle more, but this is not the case. In fact, environmental engineers are “involved in efforts to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, water and air pollution control” and many more projects that affect the environment (“Summary” 1). They also seek to make sure that all people and animals alike have a good quality of life. This is important because if animals and other like organisms do not have a good quality of life, it is hard for humanity to have a good quality of life. As was stated before, environmental engineers do many more projects and tasks to improve the ecosystem. Some of these include “conducting hazardous-waste management studies in which they evaluate the significance of the hazard and advise on treating and containing it” (“Environmental Engineers” 1). They conduct studies to help better understand why these kinds of disasters happen, how bad they are, and how to prevent them from happening again. To do this, environmental engineers have to do research into these events to try to explain them, and design projects that will try to solve these problems. This occupation isn’t just sitting in an office and typing …show more content…

Most of these responsibilities are things that most people would figure are any engineer’s typical day to day duties, such as checking up on certain locations for their environmental impact, calibrating equipment used for air, water, or soil sampling, and designing different systems for different tasks. But a lot of an environmental engineer’s job is informing other people about what they are doing, and what is going on in the environment around them. They advise policymakers and companies on relevant issues and inform government agencies and other professional organizations about cleaning up contaminated sites (“Summary” 1). They also “address global issues such as unsafe drinking water, climate change, and environmental sustainability” (“Summary” 1). Not everything environmental engineers do is in centered in a lab, in fact, a large amount of the work they do involves working with and teaching many other

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