Environmental Criminology Essay

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Environmental Criminology as a Domain to Prevent Crime Criminal activity occurs on a daily basis and these crimes may consist of serious offences or less serious offences. Based on the routine activity theory, it specifies that there are three elements of a crime: a likely offender, a suitable target and an absence of guardian against crime. When a motivated offender approaches a suitable target, the offender seizes the opportunity and allows the target to become a powerless victim (Felson, 1987). Most crimes occur in the three social domains: at home, leisure or work. These areas are a essential part of our routine activity, hence when we are placed in a situation where we are vulnerable to crime, we feel fear and thus we take preventative …show more content…

Ray Jeffrey, but is based on Paul and Patricia Brantingham’s core ideas. It emphasizes the environment as a key area of interest in understanding how and why crime occurs (Farrel & Hodgkinson, 2015). It is an umbrella term where several underlying theories exist. Routine activity theory and crime pattern theory are two dominant theories under environmental criminology. The routine activity theory articulates how the daily routine of individuals provide opportunities for potential offenders to commit a crime. This daily routine comprises of nodes, paths and edges where victims are likely to meet their offenders because the daily routine of an offender follows similar to the routine of their victim (Brantingham & Brantingham, 1995). It is known as environmental criminology as most of these crimes are dependent on the surrounding environment. When both the offender and victim are within the same environment, the potential offender may seize the opportunity to commit a crime when the chance presents itself. Environments that are highly populated such as shopping centres, bus stops and schools act as crime attractors, where crime is likely to occur in because there are suitable targets and there is a lack of guardianship. Potential offenders must take spatial awareness into consideration, as the surroundings play an influential role in the result of the crime. The surrounding environment can determine whether a crime can …show more content…

Crime occurs when people are carefree and are ignorant of situational crime prevention. The situational crime prevention prescribes target hardening, increasing the risks or costs of committing a crime and reducing the overall rewards from the crime. Some steps individuals may take to prevent crime is to ensure all doors are locked and keeping valuables out of sight. This will reduce the incentive for potential offenders (Cartwright, 2015). If these steps of precaution are not taken, potential offenders may view it as an easy crime. According to the principle of least effort, people tend to search for the shortest route and find the easiest means to accomplish something. If it is easy to commit the crime, it is likely that the potential offender will commit the crime (Felson, 1987). When these ignorant individuals are grouped together, they may create a high risk area where offenders may return and commit a repeated offence. These reputable areas that lack guardianship become crime generators and crime attractors. The crime pattern theory by Paul and Patricia Brantingham states that crime is highly patterned and is usually concentrated in certain areas, therefore environmental criminology is able to determine where crime may occur (Cartwright,

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