Enhancing Student Relatioship Management With Social Media Marketing

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Application of social media have joined and educational institutions. International universities have begun to expand their educational techniques and extend their principles on social media as one of the ways to communicate with students. Analysing the world's top-ranked universities and their performance on social media sites, leads to data that shows that all social networks are included when it comes to communication with students. As the most effective is Facebook, which was created exactly in Harvard University for the purpose of communication between students. Couple of years after spread to the Fun Pages, which are intended for the business advertisement. In addition to Facebook social network appears LinkedIn, for business purposes. LinkedIn works to cut the age of users, explaining that they want to allow the younger generation such as future students to more easily find college for continuing their education. All this shows that universities are highly presented in LinkedIn social network and there can be a high amount of information about them. Many universities have their presentations on the YouTube channel, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, but much less on Pinterest, which may soon change due to trend of need to be dominant in the market through social networks. The question is whether the social media should be used in educational purposes and in which level. In relation to the connection students to the site or e-learning platforms, it is much higher attachment students for Facebook. It is especially in summer days, when students are on holiday. Students are pleaded to not wanting their studying to be moved of this social network, because they can be distracted with the constant notifications of what do their friends ...

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