English Language Learners (ELL)

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Imagine coming into a new country with no knowledge of their language. Now, imagine being a young child having to come in a new country with no knowledge of their language and having to go to school with the native students. That student who is in a new country and school will feel left out and frustrated. They are around new customs and people, the teaching that they were once used to has change and the teachers, they might speak fast and the student is even more confused and they might want to give up. This is where the school board comes into place and help students that is new to their county learn English with the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL) program; to include the English Language Learners(ELL) students in the curriculum and have them interact with other students.
In Florida one of the county that have an extreme systematic plan for English Language Development students is Orange County. Orange County, Florida is the home of 130 languages including: …show more content…

Within the year of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Orange County ELL grew 17 percent. With programs like Seal of Biliteracy Initiative and Dual language program helps learning English easier and successfully. Seal of Biliteracy Initiative is a commitment that hold teachers and staff accountable to making sure every student educational model that promotes high academi8c achievements while supporting second language students graduate prepared and equipped with the knowledge and skills to participate successfully in college, career, and in a diverse 21st century society. The Dual Language program is an educational model that promotes high academic achievement while supporting second language development. With the Dual language program student is taught in English and Spanish. The first language is sustained, while the second language, which is English, is assimilated. With these two programs Orange County students strive in

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