Engineering Career Research Paper

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Transitioning from high school to college as an engineering major may gave given you the hope of not having to endure yearly written language arts classes. The truth is, however, as an engineer and as an engineering student towards your upperclassman projects, you will be tasked with writing proposals, technical reports, preliminary and critical design reports, status reports, manuals, marketing material, justifications and specifications, and this is only a summarized list. Moreover, depending on the negative impact your product could have if something were to go wrong, your reports, manuals, and instructions should be clear, and not open to ambiguity, in order to prevent misuse. The writing structure you will utilize as an engineer will not be the same structure a literature major would use. Your writing as an engineer will be different from the writing you have completed in literature classes in that it will be passive, and will be excruciatingly descriptive in order to avoid ambiguity. Engineers in all fields have heavy workloads that include large amounts of written communication, therefore one must learn the necessary skills before graduation in order to be a better qualified candidate for …show more content…

etc. you can be assured that you will be writing as well, and that is when your written communication skills will either set you apart for the better, or for the worst. Engineers have always had to endure the laborious task of writing, standards for safety and reliability have been in place since the creation of regulatory divisions of government such as the Federal Aviation Administration, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), engineers in the aeronautics field must comply to all standards set by the FAA and provide the specifications, reports, and justifications before a single aircraft can be

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