Empire Strikes Back

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The role of music in modern film has a large impact on the audience. Wether its creating suspense, release, building up a a scene, breaking down a scene, or attracting attention to certain characters or objects, music undoubtably makes a difference on how these movies are presented. When looking at music in modern film, three general tendencies can be noted from each example. The incorporation of the principles established by Wagner’s music dramas; the assimilation of ever-changing trends in popular music; and the constant search for fresh, new sounds, including resources from across the globe, are the three general tendencies noted. While each composer created an individual sound, these tendencies are found in each listening example presented …show more content…

His exceptional use of a Leitmotif (theme associated with a certain character) pertains directly to one of Richard Wagner’s largest concepts. Leitmotif’s are used most effectively when sung by characters at critical emotional points of the movie. Imperial March, did a wonderful job of building suspense at crucial moments. The use of orchestra with boastful brass instruments gives a strong sense of overwhelming power and force. Williams incorporated the assimilation of ever-changing trends in popular music by using familiar cliches and older films to intensify his music. By using the grand symphonic film score, the emotional appeal of older films, and keeping up with postmodernist trends, Williams was able to create catchy themes that helped build even more drama to an already intense movie. Finally, the constant search for fresh, new sounds used around the globe helped shape Imperial March into what it is today. The film music composed by John Williams explores the ideas of Richard Wagner with the use of extended chromatic harmony and leitmotifs, and continues to paint vivid pictures and themes in the millions who enjoyed the Star Wars

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