Emotions Control Emotions Essay

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From the moment they wake up, people experience events that trigger certain emotions. How people react to these events may depend on that person feels during that event. In terms of whether our emotions control us or we control our emotions, I believe that to some extent emotions control us. Because we cannot change how we feel in response to certain stimulus, emotions control us. However, people have some control over whether or not they act on their emotions. Emotions at that given moment can influence our actions. If people can control their reactions, then to some degree we are controlling our emotions. However, the prompts raises several important questions. How can one’s emotions alter other ways of knowing such as perception or reason? …show more content…

An example of this is when people form judgements about certain events or topics such as the news. When people form judgements they do not come out of thin air; people form judgements using shared and personal knowledge, reason, perspective, and emotions. Depending on the topic, emotions may or may not play a large role in the formation of people’s judgements. This past summer, the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage which caused a huge controversy among many people. I remember seeing friends having large debates over social media about the court’s ruling. In summer school two people got into a heated argument when discussing the topic in my government class. When people asked me for my opinion on the ruling, I simply refused to comment so that I would not get into a debate with another person. Were people placing a large emphasis on their emotions when forming their judgements? There was a sense of confirmation bias among the people when they were debating. This confirmation bias stemmed from a strong emotional attachment to one’s opinions. It is up to the person to decide whether or not they act on their emotions. Because of my religious background, I felt discontent with the ruling. I began to think, “Was I too quick to come up with an opinion on the ruling?” Like the others, I could not repress my emotions towards the topic. But, …show more content…

However, there are few moments in our lives where we cannot even describe our emotions. I remember exchanging playlist with Daniel Li and thinking to myself, “Wow these songs are not in english and are played on the piano, is Daniel trying to be special by choosing songs that were originally written in a different language?” I did as I was told and chose a quiet setting and plugged in my earphones. The first song started with a lullaby creating a relaxing sensation within me. But as the first song progressed, the pianist began to play more intensely and something inside of me changed. The relaxing sensation suddenly changed into a sense of euphoria. I knew that I was in a state of excitement but there was something else also there that I cannot describe in words. What emotion was I feeling? This feeling created by the pianist was something that I have never experienced before. I could not stop and figure out what this newfound emotion was until the song finally ended. It was as if my emotions were controlling me making me feeling this powerful emotion. The more intimate one is with an experience, then more likely that person is to experience a powerful

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