Emotional Intelligence In Cormac Mccarthy's The Road

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Imagine living in a post-apocalyptic world where the struggle of survival is present. This truth has come to life in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. How the problem affects the remainder of mankind is based upon the decisions made by the characters. As human beings we have two options: to utilize all our resources in bettering ourselves or to efficiently allocate those resources among ourselves and others to create balanced harmony in society. In a post-apocalyptic world, the choices that can be made are limited to personal survival and the consideration of the lives of others. With this moral dilemma present in the minds of all humans, it crucial to become familiar with our emotional intelligences. Our emotional intelligences are our personalized …show more content…

These intelligences can be learned and improved upon with time. As people experience more and are exposed to a variety of situations, they will gain knowledge in more areas, one of which being their emotional intelligences. Not only is it important to be able to identify our own emotions, but it is equally important to identify with the emotions of others as well. Being able to understand how the emotions of other people affect them will allow us to reach within ourselves and be able to produce a product that can be sold to them. Given that the key to success in JROTC is teamwork, being aware of human emotions can serve as a strong and faithful guide to building those relationships. Once this principle is applied into our daily lives, it extends much further than the JROTC program. These skills are life long and will help navigate us through life. When we have gotten older and are no longer high school students in JROTC, we will always be able to carry the lessons we have learned with …show more content…

Having empathy is an amazing intelligence to have because it directly allows a person to emotionally connect with someone else. Having empathy is a prerequisite for having compassion. In other words, being able to feel someone else’s pain will provide you with the sentiment of wanting to relieve their pain. As human beings, we can only live our life through our own perspective, but can be viewed from another person’s perspective. For example, we can see someone else’s face with the naked eye, however; we will never be able to see our own face without the aid of a reflection. Based on this premise, we will not be able to see ourselves through someone else’s perspective, but through empathy we can connect and have mutual respect. It is best to be familiar with our own emotions and be able to present the best version of ourselves to the

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