Emily Dickinson Tell All The Truth Meaning

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In the poem, “Tell all the truth but tell it slant,” Emily Dickinson is telling us the most honest way to live our lives. WHile she suggests that we live authentically, she also believes that we must deliver the truth carefully.so that it is received well. After the opening line, which is the same as the title, Dickinson continues the poem by stating, “Success in Circuit Lies” (Dickinson Line 2.) She is telling us to tell the truth in a roundabout way, instead of spouting it out blatantly. She is explaining to us that if we take this truth to heart, and implement it into other aspects of our life, it will bring us “Success”. She then goes on to say, “Too bright for our infirm Delight” (Line 3.) Dickinson uses "Infirm" to describe "Delight”

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