Emile Durkheim's Theories on Norms and Values

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French sociologist Emile Durkheim was the first to conceptualise deviance with today’s theorists generally accepting his theory as a functionalist theory of deviance. The Normative theories consider values as what a particular society or individual use to decide what is right and wrong, along with what is important in life. (Roach Anieu 45) They are the underlying preferences that guide our choices in life. Henslin (50) defines values as the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.The behaviour accepted by a particular individual, group or society to live within these values is referred to as norms. Though these norms are generally positive they can also be negative depending on the sub group that one is associated with eg drug takers or car thieves. Norms can attract both negative and positive sanctions depending on how the act is looked upon by the governing values of that society. Sanctions for following a norm can range from a hug, kiss or a more material reward such as a trophy or money. When the norms are broken within society there are consequences imposed on those perpetuators who have broken them. These range from a dirty look or reprimand to goal time.While Anleu 2014 in Deviance, Conformity & Control takes the standing point that deviance a is norm violation, it is not assumed that everyone accepts the same set of norms. (Anleu 8)

Family values are usually passed down from one generation to the next, giving the structure and boundaries in which to function and thrive to the next generation. Within this is the structural value of marriage. Though the value of marriage is universal the morns that define the institution and values of a marriage vary from cultu...

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...e a societal value of both bullying and retaliation an accepted value within some subgroups of society.

Works Cited

Henslin, James. Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Pearson/Australia, 9/7/10. VitalBook file
Anleu, Sharyn L. Deviance, Conformity & Control, 4th Edition. Pearson/Australia, 01/2014. VitalBook file. http://au.reachout.com/Bullying-and-the-law Franzese, RJ 2009, The Sociology Of Deviance : Differences, Tradition, And Stigma, Springfield: Charles C Thomas Publisher, LTD, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost, viewed 21 March 2014.


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