Embroidery Artifacts

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For my artifact I will be doing embroidery. Embroidery can be used in tons of forms and could be done in many different methods. I selected embroidery as my artifact because I consider this as a useful skill that I can benefit with in the future. I think sewing is a worthwhile skill to learn because it lets me customize things I own that has fabric I can sew on. I can also use this skill in fixing holes on clothing and even mend bigger sized clothing to my size. By learning embroidery it is very broad and could be used in multiple forms so you can do plenty of things with it. I knew how to sew when I was younger and I guess doing this for my project will be enjoyable considering I have experience to do this so I can have fun with my project …show more content…

In medieval times embroidery is still used similarly like it was today, except it was just much more detailed and less machine processed. People back then still used embroidery for basic things like clothes, blankets, and other textiles. During the middle ages English embroidery was one of the most wanted and expensive art forms in Europe. Embroidery was also valued as much as paintings and as much as a work of a goldsmith. Embroidery like paintings is also used to represent events in history. The Bayeux Tapestry is an example of embroidery depicting a historical event; it is very famous for its length of 230 ft. long and 20 in. tall showing the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Embroidery is usually made with by a group of people mostly men in the middle ages which is surprising because it is often thought that women are the only people that do embroidery before. The fabric often used in the middle ages were linen, wool, silk, hemp, cotton, leather, and fur. Fabrics used in the middle ages often showed your social ranking as well. Silk was often used by nobles since it’s very hard to get and is the most expensive while wool with no dye was often used by people of lower class since it’s easy to access and make clothes out of. Embroidery hasn’t evolved very much in my opinion and while making my artifact it was pretty easy to get materials after doing research on it

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