Were 1 Stitch Research Paper

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Were 1 Stitch 2 Stitch and today we're here to make you invest in our sewing machine. I’m Emma, I’m Jillian, and I’m Angelo. This invention is useful because if you want to make beautiful blanket then having to do that all by hand then try this. It goes a lot faster and it doesn’t take as long. How the sewing machine works is, first the string connects to rotating hook then, it will sew the two pieces of fabric together to make one.

Elias Howe was the inventor of The Sewing Machine which is how we came up with 1 Stitch 2 Stitch. He invented this because he was disabled and he got fired from his old job because of financial panic in 1837. He couldn’t find a job that people would let him because he was disabled. He kept searching but he gave

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