Elysium Research Paper

1076 Words3 Pages

Nadia Abdoun
English 11 CP
1 December 2017
Science Fiction Investigation Essay
Have you ever wondered how long earth will exist in a livable state before it is not suitable for humans anymore? Many may have asked this question, as well as had the thought of ‘Where will everyone go?’ Supposedly in the movie Elysium, it is possible for humans to live in space on a man-made floating land. Elysium has many superhuman scenes that would never be possible in real life, however, according to science there are some aspects that may be realistic in the future.
So the question is, can humans live somewhere other than planet earth and what would happen to the human body on another planet? In the movie Elysium, Earth had become very polluted and overpopulated and as a result, the upper-class rich people moved to a large place in Earth's orbit called “Elysium.” While back …show more content…

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