Ells: A Case Study

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Teachers can rotate or randomize who is called on to answer. 4. Use response signals so ELLs are able to monitor their own comprehension. ELLs can use the following sentence stem for this: “If I do not understand ____ I can say___” 5. Build background knowledge by utilizing visuals and a focus on language. ELLs can use this sentence stem for this purpose: “This sign says ___ it tells me ___” 6. Promote ELLs’ participation in structured reading activities. A sentence stem that ELLs could use during reading activities is: “The illustration tells me that this text is about…” 7. Promote ELLs’ participation in structured conversations and writing activities. An example of a sentence stem for ELLs can be: “The subject ___ agrees/disagrees with the …show more content…

Baker (2011) explains that this perception of lack of competence in the dominant language incites to the enrollment of ELLs in mainstream and transitional classrooms in order to ensure a fast conversion to the dominant language. However, this fast conversion could lead to more harm than good since it denies to the student his/her development of the home language, and frequently denies his/her identity and self-respect (Baker, 2011). Baker (2011) states that when bilingual education is well implemented it becomes the cure rather than the cause of …show more content…

Garcia and Garcia (2012) point out that research from the 1960’s has found that the Hispanic achievement is lower than the achievement of Whites in all or most socio-economic levels across the K-12 school years. Furthermore, Garcia and Garcia (2012) report that the within-class gaps are larger at the high socio-economic levels than at the low socio-economic

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