Elderly In America Essay

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The elderly in America are thought of to be part of the population that have already lived their lives and are waiting to pass away. They are the last priority in society because they are the past and the country is focused on the future. What America tends to forget is that the elderly were once in time able to work for a living, and able to contribute their assets to add to what the country is today. As people age they are eventually not able to work and will have to retire. After the retirements, although they may receive government assistance, they still have to maintain homes and things to keep their lifestyle going for the rest of their years. Some elderly are paying a great amount of money to live in regular homes. Other seniors are …show more content…

Most of them do not have any other income other than their social security, and that money goes to helping them keep a roof over their heads. It is said that, “lower income adults become economically insecure older adults who do not have the resources to pay for a decent quality of life in their remaining years”(William, Wallace, 2016). If living expenses are added to their health care plans, they could move into a senior citizen affordable housing community and use their Medicare to reduce the expenses so they will have money to do other objectives. The senior citizens would have more to work with when it comes to their already reduced …show more content…

They should not have to worry about where they are going and how they are going to get things done, it should already be set up for them when they get to that point of being retired. They should all be living in homes that they can afford with no problems. They should be at a facility that they approve so that it can actually feel like home. Senior citizens have to be receiving the health care that they deserve. Being elderly should not be as though they are at the last stage of their life, but at the best stage of

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