Egypt more to Blame than Israel for the Outbreak of War in June, 1967

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There are different historical views on what really provoced the war of 1967, the Israelis would clearly blame the Egyptians and point at Nasser's agressions as the main provocation leading to the war. Another view is that Nasser did not have the intention to fight Israel at that point, but when the UN troops in the Sinai were withdrawn suprisingly after Nasser's demand, Nasser had to make true his big promises to defeat Israel to the other Arab nations. He wanted to keep his reputation as the ultimate leader of the pan-Arabian league and he could only do so by moving his troops towards Israel, which no longer had a protection buffer by the UN troops in the Sinai. Another view is that "the Six Day War was the result of Egyptian- Israeli brinkmanship that went over the brink". Pressured by each others arms build up, the race kept going and the deciding spark was given by Egypts move of closing the Straits of Tiran for Israeli ships. Additionally, there is a view that US-Soviet manipulation on both sides in the Cold War context casued the war.

The period following the Suez Crisis was the longest period of non-confrontation during the Arab-Israeli Conflict. For Israel the years from 1956 to 1967 were years of impressive economic growth, military build up, and political and cultural strengthening. For the Palestinians the same time period was one of dispersal and disilusion, political impotence, passive leadership and of unanswered calls for helps from its Arab neighbours. President Nasser of Egypt in the time became the symbol and leader of pan-Arabism and resistance to "colonialism, imperialism, and Zionism". Syria followed Nasser's example and rejected any foreign commitments associated with western powers ( f.ex Baghdad Pact),...

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...but many chose to stay in their miserable conditions, just to make a point. But the fellow Arab nations were not exactly warm to their Arab brothers. In their hussel to be the leading nationalist Arab state, they ignored the Palestinian refugee problem. The international community is to blame too, the desicions that were needed never took place, or took too long. Nothing decidingly usefull had been done to prevent this war. Of major importance is the false information and impression Russia gave General Nasser, which gave him such a boost of confidence and spored him into action.

There are not ONE sole reason for the outbreak and Israel and Egypt can not be blamed for the outbreak of the was equally, if one was to blame then it would definitly be Egypt, but as said, I would not blame all on Egypt alone, but also on the general happenings and superpower influences.

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