Effects Of Sodium

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Salwa Munir Chemistry Sodium is a chemical element with a symbol of Na and atomic number 11. Sodium is an alkali metal which has a color of silvery white. Sodium is a reactive element because of the shiny metal which produces hydrogen. Sodium is an essential element which can be used in humans, animals, and plants. Sodium is the sixth most common element. Sodium is the element that is used very commonly around the world such as in foods and preparation of chemicals. Sodium forms very useful compound name NaCl. Sodium has many serious and dangerous side effects on people lives, thousands and millions of people die in the world because of talking too much of sodium as (salt). Sodium harms our lives in diverse ways such increasing …show more content…

If someone overdoses sodium, they can get into several medical problems like "High blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, coronary artery disease, stroke, dementia and kidney disease." This illustrates that if you are in the risk in these diseases sometimes at that point there is no cure and you can die, and sodium affects your body by increasing these risks and unbalance your sodium level. There is high ranked of death that was done by the mineral sodium, "The findings are clear eating too much salt would kill you. Immediately increase and decrease your salt intake, or prepare to die." This emphasizes that it doesn’t matter how much amount of salt you intake, it still affects you. It’s like if you say sodium is poisonous. According to the misuse of sodium, we can’t just blame food manufacturers because we are the one who doesn’t read the labels and we just don’t care, we just intake them by having no clue what’s …show more content…

For Example, it states, "It regulates extracellular fluids, acid-base balance, and membrane potential, partially together with potassium." However, It harms our life more because eating too much of salt could kill us. It states in the article, "Dr. Tara Narula, a cardiologist at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York City, says thousands of American lives could be saved every year if people cut their sodium intake by half." This emphasizes that we should have limitations on intaking salt because it is taking our lives, it is separating us from our families. Most of the researchers found that thousands of patients die because of eating to much salt. We have to stop this. We have balance our diet so our body can work properly. As it states, "Too much salt, and it can cause seizures or a coma." According to this quote, Sodium can be a fatal imbalance condition that can be a very serious risk for human lives. Sodium influences the salt level of our body. Also past few decades, salt has been blamed for the lives of patients who had heart disease or kidney problems. Eat less salt and try to stop the consumption of salty food, and food that is processed with

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