Effects Of High School Start Times Essay

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A majority of high school students across the United States do not receive a sufficient amount of sleep. A recent CDC report found that across forty states more than 75 percent of public schools started earlier than 8:30 am. Students often do not acquire the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep due to a natural and biological tendency for teenagers to fall asleep at later times. Most school systems fail to recognize the destructive effects of such lack of sleep and put in a learning schedule in direct opposition to the mental and physical needs of the student body. Without a big shift of nationwide of school start times and the crucial support of the public in order to create a necessary change, high school students will continue to be at a high risk of depression, fatigue, and stress, all aspects of which the nation’s education system and leads to a societal mentality. …show more content…

The early school day start enforced by the greater part of high schools in the United States is harmful to the education and health of students. It is proven with scientific data, as it limits students ability to retain and process information, damages biological sleep cycles, leads to increased likelihood for chronic stress and depression. It also causes health risks like diabetes. Since the teacher pile on the homework and expect students to get it done the next day before. With students trying to be responsible and getting their homework done, they do not get enough sleep. If a teenage or anyone that goes four days without REM sleep they will start to desire to eat more junk food rather than more nutritious. This will cause them to get type two diabetes. There was an experiment done by Go to

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