Edwards V. South Carolin Case Study

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CJUS290-1504B-06 Criminal law Jill Hudson Teanna Byrd 12/8/2015

Title: Edwards v. South Carolina

Facts: In South Carolina there were 187 African-Americans that held an assembly to express their grievance about South Carolina citizens while they were peacefully assembled were they were asked to leave the grounds. They wanted the end discrimination and to give back there privileges as citizens for African –Americans. …show more content…

(Adderley v. Florida, 385 us 39- Supreme Court 1966, 2011)

Decisions: The 32 students were found guilty of the charges and the evidence given by law
Enforcement, that the students could have caused a breach of peace.

Reasoning: Adderly used Edwards v. South Carolina as a resource for the right to protest on
Public properly, but they were not on public property to protest. So it won’t be the same laws they differ in this way so it does not work with this case.

Dissenting opinions: Justice Douglas, and fortes a long with Chief Justice Brennan say that jail property in not common ground to protesting there for their opinion is unjust.

Title: U.S. v. Wise
Facts: John Cain took the case to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Regarding members of Republic of Texas (ROT). From March to July of 1998 had evidence of terrorist behavior such as threats to government by email and harming government officials.

Issues: This case consists of threatening messages by email to government people. Cain

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