Edgar Allan Poe Accomplishments

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“Born in Boston on January 19, 1809 to parents David and Elizabeth Poe, Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known author in today’s literature” (Biography…). “Edgar Allan Poe’s works of poetry and short fiction have been in print since 1827” (Poe’s…). Most of Poe’s stories reflect on his lifestyle as a child as well as his life in adulthood. While Poe was only in his mere days of childhood, his mother died and father abandoned him. This tragic event helped to create the dark, morbid stories he wrote. Edgar Allan Poe grew up in most of his life without his parents, which is a vital part of any child’s life. Stories and poems written by Edgar Allan Poe are dark, eerie, and suspenseful. Many people who read stories by Edgar Allan Poe get a great sense …show more content…

“Most of Edgar Allan Poe’s works were published privately, and later went on into being published in other areas. His first volume of poems was privately published in 1827 and his second volume was also privately published in 1829 shortly after he was honorably discharged from the army” (Poe’s…). “While writing his short fiction and poems, Edgar Allan Poe almost always uses a first-person narrator. Whether his stories include a literally confined space, a roomier, but still airless and solitary house, or the psychological prison of a damaged character’s mind, all of his stories are ultimately claustrophobia stories. Many of the narrators in Poe’s stories marry, but none ever achieves a lasting connection with his bride” (The…).
“Poe began to sell short stories to magazines in 1835 and he later became the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond, where he moved with his aunt and cousin by the name of Virginia. In 1836, he married Virginia, who was only a mere fourteen years old at the time. Over the next ten years, Poe edited a number of literary journals” …show more content…

His life as a child was hard because he grew up without his parents. The influence of alcohol, drugs, and his life as a child all affected the outcome of his stories. Each of the stories written by Edgar Allan Poe mentioned in this paper contains mystery and suspense in some form. “The Raven” has a theme of mystery and suspense when no one is at the door after a knock is heard several times and when the crow will only say one word to any statement or question. “The Cask of Amontillado” suspense theme is when Fortunato buried his friend alive inside of a wall and taunted him with the last brick. In “The Masque of the Red Death” the mystery theme is when the mysterious guest arrived. The theme of suspense is when no one can find out why the guest is there or who the guest is. After reading each of these stories the reader is left with a sense of mystery and left wanting to read more. The death of Edgar Allan Poe is unknown. Many believe that he died from alcohol or a heart attack. Even though Edgar Allan Poe may have died in the 1800’s his stories still continue to live on

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