Memoir: My Childhood Journey with Pets

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Hello! I’m Megan Whitman, and I am 18 years old. I currently go to Eastern Shore District High, but have gone to Oyster Pond Academy as well as Jeddore Lakeville.
It all started with my very first cat, Butter. We drove for what seemed like hours, but when we finally arrived, there was not one, but two cats at the door! The female cat was named Butter, while the male cat was named Peanut. They would come running together if you called “Peanut Butter!”. I was able to choose which cat I wanted, and I picked out Butter because she was fluffy with brown and black patches covering her white fur. She grew up with me, I declared her to be one year younger then me, with the same birthday. Those would be the wise words of a three year old. Butter tolerated a lot from me, she let me put dress up clothes on her and wheel her around in my dolly stroller. A few years down the road, when I was around 5 years old, we got our dog name Bailey! Butter and Bailey loved to torment each other all the time. Bailey would drag Butter from one end of the house to the other by her tail! By the time I was 9, Butter passed away peacefully. Bailey seemed lost for years without his playmate, but around 6 years later, Bailey passed away too. They were my first pets, and …show more content…

When turned 14, I nervously walked into the REC office in the harbour, application in hand. They sat me down and asked a few questions, and I had gotten my first job as a skate instructor. That led into working a gymnastics program for toddlers, which I still work. Working with REC for 2 years aided me in getting a job at Sobeys when I was 16. Working the two jobs is not always the easiest, but I make it work, because I am making my way further into the system, which may help me start a career later on in my life. I would not change working my two jobs for anything in the world right now. I am making money, but more importantly I am doing something that I

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