Ecological Context Paper

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A setting as described in Community Psychology is an “enduring set of relationships among individuals that may be linked with one or several places” (Roy, 2018). I am a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago taking a Psychology 231 class. In the class, there is one teacher, two teaching assistants and over 100 students in one classroom. The teacher is placed in front of the classroom while the students are placed directly in front of the teacher in a physically sloped descending order of chairs placed in rows. According to Moos, ecological context is defined through social climate. This is how people can experience their settings and understand them (Roy, 2018). It’s composed of three parts: relationships, personal development, system …show more content…

Barker aimed to understand the lives of the children in Kansas with careful, systemic, naturalistic observations. Barker referred to this as studying the “stream of behavior” (pg. 149). In time, Barker and his colleagues focused on the entire community. They were interested in “patterns of behavior characteristic of a setting regardless of which individuals were there” (pg. 149-150) These two parts are explained as follows: Behavior settings is the primary unit of analysis. There is a place, time, and a standing pattern of behavior. Though, it’s not just a physical place that makes up this analysis. Both physical settings and behavior settings are matched, or rather they make it possible for behavior patterns to endure. Thus, making a routine for social relations to occur, the physical space to reflect those relations, and for them to persist over …show more content…

The rows of seats are physically set up so that students do not need to forcibly look over the heads and shoulders of other students. This rule is important as standing or moving while the teacher is lecturing is potentially a distraction for other members of the classroom. A way that one might measure this behavior is through the average number of times students may get up and leave the classroom while the lecture is in session. The third rule is to raise one’s hand to answer a question, ask a question, or to make a comment. As the teacher lectures, she may pause and ask if anyone has any questions or comments regarding the material. When a student wants to respond, they raise their hand. The teacher then calls on that student and they are then able to proceed. A way to measure this behavior is to collect the average number of times students may speak out vs. students who are called upon to speak when they raise their

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